Friday, August 31, 2012

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Side Effect Of Drinking Soda Pop

If you can't eat it, don't put it on your skin! Your skin is the largest organ in your body and it gets polluted non stop from chemicals in the air, in the water, and from these types of body products.  Check out the KISST Organics website for healthy skincare products without all the chemicals and preservatives. Http://

Herb Basics

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Does Meat Protein Feed Cancer Cells

I'll Give you the bottom line first:  
If it doesn't support and even boost the immune system...don't eat it!

Cancer cells metabolize foods very inefficiently and generate acidic wastes. The excess acidity also enables cancer to spread by using acid dissolved normal cells as its food source and further compounds an already bad environment.

This is why it is so incredibly important to maintain a balanced Ph within the body. 

A diet comprised mostly of refined foods and meats results in an acidic body chemistry that depletes two critical enzymes trypsin and chymotrypsin, which are critical to allowing the immune system to build to the capacity of being capable of killing cancer cells. 

Then there are the hormones in meat: 

"Diethylstilbestrol (Des) has been shown by the FDA to cause cancer of the uterus, breast and other reproductive organs. This is an artificial sex hormone widely used in food production. Dangerous residues of stilbestrol are in 85% of all the meat sold in the United States. This is the main reason why 15 countries around the world now refuse to import American meat; 21 nations have a total ban on the use of stilbestrol in food production or processing."
And there is more: 
"Nitrosamines cause cancer of the liver, stomach, brain, bladder, kidneys and several other organs. Dr. William Lijinski, of the University of Nebraska, says they are "perfect carcinogens." When chemical preservatives and color enhancers are ingested, they cause the body to produce nitrosamines. Another source is nitrates and nitrites, which are heavily added to meat during processing. Runoff of nitrates and nitrites from fields sprayed with chemical fertilizers get into aquifers and wells and, when the water is drunk, can lead to cancer... these foods contain amines (which are in cheese, meat, and unrefrigerated foods).

Meat eaters (especially red meat ) are at a higher risk of probability of getiing such cancers as colon cancer and prostate cancer.     

Another reason to reduce or elliminate the intake of meat is the accumulation of fecal matter in the colon. The colon should be relatively clear so that the body can absorb as many nutrients as possible. "All foods which ferment in the bowel should be avoided.

Meat is dead matter, low in minerals, and produces uric acid in excess which is a waste product. The incidence of cancer is in direct proportion to the amount of animal proteins, particularly meat, in the diet. 

Devitalized, processed, and sugared food can also cause cancer. But far more often, when cancer strikes, those eating the junk foods are also eating meat. Nations and groups which consume less meat have less cancer. The high protein diet of Americans is linked to the high incidence of cancer in the U.S. 

Cancer is less a disease than a condition existing in the whole body. Cancer would be almost unheard of if no devitalized food or meats were eaten. Cancer cannot exist where there is a pure bloodstream."

An ACID environment caused by a diet rich in: Diary foods, meats, grain products and sweets.  This is always accompanied by an acute lack of living fruits and vegetables (uncooked and non-preserved)."
Cancer is fundamentally involved with mal-utilization of protein. Oncologists generally agree that the actual cause of death in cancer patients is cachexia, a condition of severe weight loss and wasting associated with protein mal-absorption. In fact cancer cells are able to grow by making the amino acids of protein available for their growth at the expense of the body as a whole. Meat, especially red meat, being the most readily assimilable protein, becomes a banquet for cancer cells. 

And the list goes on.

But perhaps the most damaging evidence that meat is a major cause of cancer are studies of people who went into "spontaneous remission" solely because of a change in their diet!! These people almost universally went from a cooked food, meat-centered diet and gave up their meat, their dairy products, their refined sugar, etc. and switched to a raw food vegetarian diet, and by simply changing diets their bodies were able to cure their cancer!

Also remember that, by experience, alternative cancer treatments have evolved to almost universally exclude meat in the diet.

All in all, the bottom line is to avoid meats or at the minimum, greatly reduce meat consumption as much as possible. 

If it doesn't support and even boost the immune system...don't eat it!


Produce Stickers

Sunday, August 26, 2012

What Do Those Codes On Stickers Of Fruits And Some Veggies Mean?

Although they seem like a nuisance, the stickers or labels attached to fruit and some vegetables have more of a function than helping scan the price at the checkout stand. The PLU code, or price lookup number printed on the sticker, also tells you how the fruit was grown. By reading the PLU code, you can tell if the fruit was genetically modified, organically grown or produced with chemical fertilizers, fungicides, or herbicides.

Here are the basics of what you should know:
If there are only four numbers in the PLU, this means that the produce was grown conventionally or “traditionally” with the use of pesticides. 
The last four letters of the PLU code are simply what kind of vegetable or fruit. An example is that all bananas are labeled with the code of 4011.
If there are five numbers in the PLU code, and the number starts with “8″, this tells you that the item is a genetically modified fruit or vegetable. Genetically modified fruits and vegetables trump being organic. So, it is possible to eat organic produce that are grown from genetically modified seeds. A genetically engineered (GE or GMO) banana would be: 84011
If there are five numbers in the PLU code, and the number starts with “9″, this tells you that the produce was grown organically and is not genetically modified. An organic banana would be: 94011

Incidentally, the adhesive used to attach the stickers is considered food-grade, but the stickers themselves aren’t edible.

Dr. Franklipman

Alkalize & Live!

Health Benefits of Magnesium

1. Magnesium may reverse osteoporosis:
Multiple research studies conducted have suggested that calcium and magnesium supplementation improves bone mineral density. Magnesium deficiency alters calcium metabolism and the hormones that regulate calcium, resulting in osteoporosis. Intake of recommended levels of magnesium is important because it averts osteoporosis.

2. Magnesium prevents a variety of cardiovascular diseases: One of the most important benefits of magnesium is that it is associated with lowering the risk of coronary heart diseases. Dietary surveys have suggested that sufficient magnesium intake may reduce the chance of having a stroke. Magnesium deficiency increases the risk of abnormal heart rhythms, which increases the risk of complications after a heart attack. Therefore, consuming recommended amounts of magnesium dietary supplements may be beneficial to the cardiovascular system.

3. Magnesium regulates high blood pressure (Hypertension):
Magnesium plays a key role in regulating blood pressure naturally. Magnesium supplements and a diet including plenty of fruits and vegetables, which are good sources of potassium and magnesium, are consistently associated with lowering blood pressure.

4. Magnesium treats diabetes:
Studies show that individuals with a magnesium deficiency have a risk of developing type-2 diabetes and severe diabetic retinopathy. Magnesium aids in carbohydrate metabolism and influences the release and activity of insulin, thereby controlling blood glucose levels. It has been proven that for every 100 milligrams of increase in magnesium daily intake, there was a 15 percent decrease in the risk of developing type-2 diabetes.

5. Magnesium treats migraines, insomnia, leg cramps and depression:
The numerous magnesium health benefits also include the treatment of migraines, insomnia, jumpy legs or leg cramps and symptoms of depression. Magnesium is also known to cure severe forms of psychiatric dysfunctions including panic attacks, stress, anxiety, and undue agitations. Magnesium supplements considerably reduce the severity of such attacks and may also help in reducing the rate of recurrence. 

6.  It's important to get the right kind of magnesium:
Magnesium is available in many forms and this can be quite confusing but not all forms of magnesium are as readily bio-available to your body.  Obviously the best method of increasing magnesium is to increase your daily intake of dark leafy greens and bitter herbs.  The easiest method for getting these bitters into your diet is to implement them into your smoothies (there are many recipes on this blog, key "smoothie" into the search box to pull them up).  There are two other preferred magnesium supplements.  They are magnesium citrate and magnesium malate.  Both of these forms of magnesium are more easily absorbed and therefore available for the body to use.  Interestingly, magnesium malate helps to alleviate stress and is used often for people who suffer with fibromyalgia.  Fibromyalgia is a poorly understood disease characterized by fatigue, muscle pain, stiffness, headache and memory problems, and may be linked to low magnesium levels.

Do you need further assistance with your health?  Please call me at (308) 254-5373 to schedule a health consultation.



Lemons Are Great To Help Alkalinize Your Body

I use a lot of lemons!  
I squeeze the juice into my tea.  
I have raw cookie recipes that use lemon
They can be used in vegetable juices and smoothies
and I love lemon and olive oil on a fresh salad.

How do you use lemons?

Friday, August 24, 2012

7 Big Diet Myths

1. Myth: White foods offer little nutritional valueTruth: Many white foods are nutrient-dense. White potatoes, white asparagus, cauliflower, white cranberries, white beans, garlic and white onions are just a few of the foods that offer a variety of powerful health-promoting nutrients. For instance, raw cauliflower beats raw tomatoes for antioxidant content. If foods become “white” due to processing—for example, when whole grains are stripped of their naturally nutritious, fiber-containing bran and germ in order to become “white” grain foods--their overall health value decreases. So stick to plant foods that are naturally white.  At the same time, it is best to avoid white sugar and white flour.

2. Myth: Celery has negative calories
Truth: No food has negative calories. The theory of negative calories is that you expend more calories chewing very low-calorie foods, like celery, than the food actually has. “‘Negative’ calories is a myth and does not actually exist.” However, celery can aid in weight loss. One large stalk, for instance, provides only 10 calories. Additionally, it provides fiber and has a very high water content (95% of total weight). That can boost a feeling of fullness, which can then play a role in weight loss. But the actual activity of chewing most foods may burn only about five calories in an hour. Any way you slice it, though, the positive news is that munching celery or any other raw veggie can help you get to, and keep, a healthy weight.

3. Myth: Drinking diet soda will help you lose weight
Truth: Don’t we all wish it was that easy? However, “Drinking diet soda will NOT help you lose weight.  Diet soda is loaded with artificial sweeteners (chemicals) which are known cancer causing agents which often help pack on the weight.

4. Myth: You don't need to cleanse or detoxify your body
Truth: “Your body does need to cleanse and detoxify.”  The best method is through a natural cleansing process by simply through diet, nutrition and exercise but sometimes your body needs additional help with specific herbal products designed to help remove parasites for example or in removing excess candida yeast from your system.  These nutritional cleanses also help to cleanse the intestines and the colon helping the digestive processes to perform on a more normal level. Following some of the strictest regimens directed at nutrition will result in better digestion, better skin and  increased energy just to name a few.  Diarrhea during a short term cleanse is not unusual and will be temporary if at all.  It is best that pregnant women do not do a detox cleanse.   t

5. Myth: There are no specific foods that will boost weight loss efforts
Truth: There are absolutely miracle weight loss foods!  You will find them in the form of fresh, raw fruits and vegetables.  “Some fruits and veges are more beneficial than others as they are nutrient dense and rich in antioxidants.”  All whole fruits and vegetables can be an important part of an overall healthful eating strategy for weight loss.

6. Myth: Carbs are bad for you
Truth: Foods aren’t innately “bad.” Carbs are a good example of this.  “Carbs that are rich in fiber, such as fruits, veggies, legumes, and sprouted whole grains, are very healthy.” In fact, a moderate amount of carbohydrates is absolutely essential to your diet, because it’s needed for energy production. Cutting too many carbohydrate-rich foods from your diet can also mean you’re cutting important nutrients. On the other hand, if the carbs are unhealthy, such as sugar laden products, such as cookies, cake, candy, and soda, they’ll provide no nutritional benefit and should be eliminated from your diet.  Sugar is toxic to our bodies.  It ferments in our digestive system causing a host of illness and disease.

7. Myth: You can eat just before yougo to bed and not expect to gain weight
Truth: “There is a much larger potential for gaining weight if you eat after 8 p.m. Even if you are  consuming your normal ratio of caloric intake for the day.  Findings from a recent Northwestern University study in mice published in the journal Obesity suggests that eating at times when you might normally be sleeping (i.e. the insomniac’s 2 a.m. snack attack) may cause weight gain because the timing of your eating is out of sync with your body’s natural rhythms. And new research on mice at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies suggests that when you do and don’t eat might be important for a different reason: well-defined periods of eating and “fasting” (i.e. not eating) may help increase the level of metabolic, or calorie-burning, activity in the liver.  For best results, eat a healthy diet loaded with dark leafy greens, fruits, nuts, sprouted grains and seeds.  Also avoid excessive snacking in between meals.  One more thing, it's best to avoid eating within 2 hours of going to bed.   

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Tips For Eliminating Pesticides From Your Body

Most toxins are eliminated in bile via the liver. In addition to commercial cleansing products, a wide variety of foods, supplements and healthy practices can help flush and eliminate pesticides and other toxins from the liver, gall bladder, colon, kidneys and blood:
* Glutathione is the body's natural detoxifier which enables the liver to remove toxins from the body. N-Acetyl Cysteine helps the body produce glutathione. Likewise, coffee enemas increase glutathione production and also help keep the bile ducts open.
* One "must have" item is milk thistle, which is wonderful for overall liver health as well as a great detoxifier.
* Essiac Tea is a great overall cleanser which is noted for its cancer-fighting abilities. One of the pesticides commonly employed for ground spraying, permethrin, is considered by the EPA as "likely to be carcinogenic to humans" if consumed.
* About one quarter of the toxins in your body are eliminated through the skin. Saunas and hot baths help sweat toxins out.
* Clay baths are extremely effective for pulling all kinds of toxins out of the body. The best clay for detoxification is calcium montmorillonite.
* Pantethine is an often overlooked supplement which can be essential opening up roadblocks pesticides create which prevent the body from being able to absorb, use or deploy sufficient amounts of natural detox items.
* Activated Charcoal is safe to consume and very potent. Take 20-30 grams a day in divided doses mixed with water for one to two weeks.
* Citrus pectin is one of the most powerful detoxifying substances to be found and, though it eliminates toxic metals, it doesn't deplete your body of zinc, calcium or magnesium.
* Be sure to eat plenty of alkaline foods such as fruits and vegetables. Alkaline bodies are better able to flush toxins.
* Fiber helps your liver flush out toxins by transporting them out of your digestive system. Eat two to three servings of fiber-rich foods daily. Dietary sources of fiber include whole grain breads and cereals, flax seed, barley, beans and fresh or dried prunes.
* Toxins tend to collect in the fat around tissues like your liver. Grapefruit contains a flavonoid called naringenin that reprograms your liver to melt excess fat, instead of storing it.
* Garlic boosts the ability of your white blood cells to fight the effects of toxins.
* Lemons and asparagus have proven abilities to reduce pesticide levels.
* Eggs help remove toxins and also increase energy levels.
* Vitamin C is essential for our ability to neutralize the effects of toxins.
* Magnesium is essential for over 300 body processes.
* Selenium is important for the production of an enzyme that helps to detoxify your body.
* Dandelion root stimulates bile production and acts as a diuretic for excess water.
* Used by Native Americans for centuries, sarsaparilla is a great tasting tea and an effective blood detoxifier.
* Burdock Root increases urine and perspiration.
* 10-12 glasses of clean water daily helps flush toxins from your body.
* Skin brushing reduces the fatigue caused by pesticide exposure. It also helps the lymph drainage system flush toxins from your system.
* Exercise 30 minutes to one hour daily to bring more oxygen-rich blood to your kidneys and liver, allowing them to eliminate toxins more effectively.



Tuesday, August 21, 2012

That Word Most Of Us Hate: EXERCISE

Our bodies were designed to move!

Perhaps exercise is not a problem for you but it's a struggle for me on a daily basis!  Now here is my confession, "I haven't been working out."  I just started again about 2 weeks ago and I soooo need to do this.  At the two week point, I am still doing low impact and will probably keep it there for quite awhile.  What I have found is that if it makes my muscles sore to the point where I can't move, or it hurts to move, I will quit. We've all heard, "No pain, No Gain".  I simply cannot do it that way.

So if you are like me, start slow and develop a regular routine. Having a regular routine helps to keep you motivated.  I also encourage you to "Mix it up!"  If you find you are getting bored with your routine, do something different.  Try a step class, jump rope, kickboxing, now there's one I would love to do!

There are an abundance of benefits to having a regular exercise routine: 
1.  People who exercise dont' generally get as many food cravings.
2.  Exercise boosts your immune system
3.  It stimulates endorphins therefore it puts you in a better mood (once your done! :o))  This is also benefical for those who eat for comfort or emotional nourishment.
4.  Here's a new one for you....Exercise burns fat!  OK, well it's not new but how many times do we need reminded of this?  Me, sometimes I can be a very slow learner!
5. Perspiration cleanses the pores of your skin, helps your liver detoxify.
6.Movement increases circulation and oxygenation throughout your body!

Not everyone is sporty, and not everyone likes exercise. It's about finding what form of bodily movement works for you. It could just be taking a 15 minute walk or walking up and down stairs.  Maybe for you it means joining a sports team or taking up tennis or running. Other less conventional activities might be dancing, skipping, or a martial art. Whatever works for you!
At his point, I keep it pretty simple, a 30 minute walk followed by lifting.  My goal is to firm and tone.  Your goal may be different, your goal may be to focus on cardio.  Whatever your goal...Get out there and MOVE IT!!!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

'Wheat-belly' 101 - Five Clues That Your Excess Weight Is Caused By Gluten

Wheat today is not what it used to be. It is more of a hybrid version of 19th century and earlier versions of wheat our ancestors relied on for their daily bread. The same is true for a few other grains.
Today's wheat is a genetic modification of horticultural or agricultural specie combining. This genetic modification is different than laboratory GMO gene splicing. Nevertheless, the amount of 20th century agricultural genetic modification has outpaced the human digestive system's ability to adapt.
The result is that even if you are not a celiac disease sufferer or gluten sensitive, you still could be suffering from the ill effects of wheat and other grains. Even organic whole wheat has a high glycemic index (GI), which over time may increase your glycemic load and create diabetes II.
So although whole wheat grains are considered complex carbohydrates, modern day wheat contains
amylopectin A, which is a rapidly absorbed carbohydrate that spikes your blood sugar, but more. The other grains that can contribute to wheat belly include: Barley, rye, triticale (a cross between wheat and rye), bulgur, farina, kamut, seminola, durum flour, and spelt. Bummer, eh?There are safer grain options, however. Buckwheat, which is not actually wheat, amaranth, rice, hominy, sorghum, tapioca, arrowroot, quinoa, and einkorn are okay. Uncommon einkorn is the ancient traditional wheat our ancestors enjoyed. Oats are controversial. Some argue that oats are contaminated by wheat.

The downside of wheat and some other grains

Beer belly is actually wheat or grain belly, according to Body Ecology. It is visceral fat, or fat that has accumulated around body cavity organs, such as the liver, stomach, or intestines. Subcutaneous fat is just under the skin. It is the flabby, flesh of any part of your body.
Those who are obese have both visceral and subcutaneous fat issues. A beer or wheat belly most likely indicates visceral fat. In addition to the obvious potential of diabetes II from obesity, there is another ominous aspect of visceral fat.
Visceral fat acts as a gland, secreting hormones that make the immune system react. This produces more fat to store and protect pathogens from invading our organs. It's the proverbial vicious cycle, and it also produces low level chronic inflammation that can result in various autoimmune diseases.
Cardiologist William Davis, MD, warns against the gluten free diet for losing a wheat belly. The wheat substitutes such as potato flour have high glycemic index issues also, and they can increase your GI load to cause the obesity you're trying to avoid.

Five wheat belly indicators in addition to a bloated belly
1) High blood sugar
2) Skin problems, rashes, acne, and eczema
3) Bouts of anxiety and depression - low energy
4) Gut disorders - yeast infections
5) Early aging disorders that include dementia
Beyond this lies celiac disease, which can be determined by a blood test and/or gut biopsy.

Sprouted grain bread options
Weston A. Price Foundation founders Sally Fallon and Mary G. Enig, PhD, researched sprouted grains and determined they had a lower GI than grains not sprouted.
The sprouts still contain some gluten, but sprouted grain enzymes break down a good deal of the grains' normally harmful ingredients. They are more nutritious than merely whole grains.
There are the Ezekiel sprouted grain breads. Some bakeries make sprouted wheat and other sprouted grain breads. Whole Food bakeries provide a sourdough, sprouted wheat bread without bromide, a harmful ingredient used by most bakeries.
You might be able to get away with some of the options mentioned in this article instead of being forced into a strict Paleolithic (Paleo) or hunter/gatherer diet to avoid wheat belly.

natural news

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Mooove Over Milk...

These nutrient-rich dairy-free drinks are made from plants-and most clock as much calcium as their cow-derived counterpart.  It is also very easy to make these milks.  Simply add 1 cup of nuts (or grain) as mentioned plus 2 cups of water in a blender.  Blend and strain out any large particles.  Plae milk in the refrigerator to defoam for 30 minutes.  It will generally keep for up to one week without all of the preservatives and sugars of store bought brands.  Use the strained products on cereal over frozen bananas or do what I do and just leave it in the milk.  A little texture doesn't hurt anything!
Packed with protein (a whooping 4 grams per cup), magnesium, and vitamin D
Flavor: Slightly sweet and creamy
Best For: Sauces, casseroles, soups, and cereal. 
Per 8 Oz Serving: Calories 60 Fat 2 g (0.5 g saturated) 
I must interject that I am not a huge fan of Soy products of any kind because they can mess with your hormones.
Rich in protein and vitamin E
Flavor: A roasted aroma and velvety texture
Best For: Cereal, coffee, and tea.
Per 8 Oz Serving: Calories 110 Fat 3.5 g (0 g saturated) 

Rich in heart-healthy omegas, all 10 essential amino acids, minerals, and protein
Flavor: Grassy and nutty
Best For: Baking sweets and cooking savory dishes. 
Per 8 Oz Serving: Calories 60 Fat 5 g (0.5 g saturated) 
High in cholesterol lowering flavonoids and vitamin E
Flavor: Slightly nutty
Best For: Baking and as a creamer in coffee and tea. Also great for smoothies. 
Per 8 Oz Serving: Calories 60 Fat 2.5 g (0 g saturated) 
Typically enriched with calcium and vitamins A, B12, and D.
Flavor: Mildly sweet
Best For: Desserts, baked goods, cereal, and smoothies. 
Per 8 Oz Serving: Calories 45 Fat 2 g (0 g saturated) 

Carrot, Mango, and Herb Smoothie

2 cups frozen mango chunks
1 cup fresh carrot juice
1 cup freshly squeezed orange juice

1/4 cup fresh herbs, such as mint, tarragon, or basil

Combine all ingredients in a blender; blend until smooth. Enjoy

Foods that Cleanse the Liver

1. Garlic and Onion
Just a small amount of these pungent white bulbs has the ability to activate liver enzymes that helps your body flush out toxins. Garlic also holds high amounts of allicin and selenium, two natural compounds that aid in liver cleansing.

2. Grapefruit
High in both vitamin C and antioxidants, grapefruit increasea the natural cleansing processes of the liver. A small glass of freshly-squeezed grapefruit juice will help boost production of liver detoxification enzymes that help flush out carcinogens and other toxins.  Also available in a concentrated form as Grapefruit Seed Extract.

3. Beets and Carrots
Both extremely high in plant-flavonoids and beta-carotene, eating both beets and carrots can help stimulate and improve overall liver function.

4. Green Tea
This liver-loving beverage is chock-full of plant antioxidants known as catechins, a constituent known to assist the livers overall functions. Green tea is not only delicious, it’s also a great way to improve your overall diet.

5. Dark Leafy Green Vegetables
One of our most powerful allies in cleansing the liver, leafy greens can be eaten raw, cooked, blended or juiced. Extremely high in plant chlorophylls, greens literally suck up environmental toxins from the blood stream. With their distinct ability to nuetralize heavy metals, chemicals and pesticides, these cleansing foods offer a super powerful protective mechanism for the liver.

Try incorporating leafy greens such as bitter gourd, arugula, dandelion greens, spinach, mustard greens and chicory into your diet. Due to the fact that most people do not particularly care for the taste of bitter greens, one of the easiest ways to implement them in your diet is by making green smoothies.  This will help increase the creation and flow of bile, the substance that removes waste from the organs and blood.  There are several recipes on this blog, simply key "smoothie" into the search box.

6. Avocados
This nutrient-dense super-food helps the body produce glutathione, which is necessary for the liver to cleanse harmful toxins. Recent studies indicate improved liver health when avocados are eaten regularly.

7. Apples
High in pectin, apples hold the chemical constituents needed for the body to cleanse and release toxins from the digestive tract. This, in turn, makes it easier for the liver to handle the toxic load during the cleansing process.

8. Coconut Oil
Cold-pressed organic oils such as cocnut oil, olive, hemp and flax-seed are great for the liver, when used in moderation. They help the body by providing a lipid base that can suck up harmful toxins in the body. In this way, it takes some of the burden off the liver in terms of the toxic overload that many of us suffer from.

9. Whole Grains
Grains, such as quinea and brown rice, are rich in B-complex vitamins, nutrients known to improve overall fat metabolization, liver function and liver decongestion. It is best to elliminate foods with white flour from your diet, instead try eating whole wheat alternatives.

10. Cruciferous Vegetables
Eating broccoli and cauliflower will increase the amount of glucosinolate in your system, adding to enzyme production in the liver. These natural enzymes help flush carcinogens, and other toxins, out of our body which significantly lowers our risk of cancer.

11. Lemons & Limes
These citrus fruits contain very high amounts of the vitamin C, which aids the body in synthesizing toxic material into substance that can be absorbed by water. Drinking freshly-squeezed lemon or lime juice in the morning helps stimulate the liver.

12. Walnuts
Holding high amount of the amino acid arginine, walnuts aid the liver in detoxifying ammonia. Walnuts are also high in glutathione and omega-3 fatty acids which support normal liver cleansing actions. Make sure you chew the nuts well (until they are liquefied) before swallowing.

13. Cabbage
Much like broccoli and cauliflower, eating cabbage helps stimulate the activation of two crucial liver detoxifying enzymes that help flush out toxins. Try eating more kimchi, coleslaw, cabbage soup and sauerkraut.

14. Turmeric
The liver’s favorite spice. Try adding some of this detoxifying goodness into your next lentil stew or veggie dish for an instant liver pick-me-up. Turmeric helps boost liver detox, by assisting enzymes that actively flush out known dietary carcinogens.  Also available in an herbal supplement.

Oasis Advanced Wellness

Digestion 101

Health begins in the gut. This has been the central theme of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Ayurvedic health principles for centuries and the fact of the matter is, our bodies haven't changed. Our digestive system works the same now as it did centuries ago. This includes the complete digestive system, with special emphasis on the spleen and the liver.
The whole cycle of digestion and nutrient absorption, from chewing to bowel elimination, should take 24 hours more or less depending on what's been eaten.
More time indicates a sluggish metabolism with foods, especially meats, putrefying in the gut and/or constipation; while less time indicates not enough nutrients are being absorbed.
A simple test can be conducted by consuming beets to reveal how long your digestive cycle is. Eliminating beets' creates a red stool. Eat beets and see how long it takes for you to produce a red stool.
Of course, there are other phases and contributing organs involved with digestion.

From mouth to stomach... 
As you become aware of the food visually or by smell, the brain signals glands to begin secreting juices into saliva. The saliva and juices are intensified as you chew, and the saliva contains enzymes that begin working ro break down and remove nutrients from the food.
This is why many recommend chewing slowly and more often, up to 100 times per bite. As the saliva moistened food slides down the throat, it comes to a fork in the road. One fork is the trachea, which connects to the bronchial and lung area. The other is the esophagus leading into the stomach.
The act of swallowing closes a flap over the trachea and opens the upper esophageal sphincter allowing the food to bypass the airway and enter the esophagus to the stomach.
The esophagus undergoes contractions to push food down to the lower esophageal sphincter, which opens to let the food into the stomach and shuts to prevent stomach acids from coming up that creates acid reflux (heartburn).
The stomach secrets acid enzymes while mucous protects the inner walls. The walls churn to mix the acid and food, creating a liquid or pasty solution, depending on the food type, which the small intestine can handle.

Through the small intestine and beyond...
The small intestine is small in circumference only. It's estimated that the surface area of the small intestine could cover a tennis court. It fits in the body because there are many folds containing villi.Villi are tiny projections containing smaller micro-villi that pull nutrients into our blood streams with the help of liver and spleen activity.
The liver and gall bladder contribute fat emulsifying bile into the small intestines and the spleen contributes more enzymes to support the absence of food enzymes. Enzymes are active proteins that break down food into absorbable nutrients.
The first part of the small intestine, the duodenum, receives the enzyme and bile mixture. Intestinal contractions ensure this mix is exposed to the various villi to absorb the nutrients. The remaining mixture arrives into the large intestine, which is shorter with more circumference.
The large intestine has three phases for creating waste, which arrives into the colon where a bacteria colony awaits to finalize fermentation and fiber extraction.
Mucous is created within this process to help slide the stuff along, then the waste is ready for eliminating with a bowel movement.

Keeping your digestive system working well... 
Consume fermented foods or beverages or add probioitic supplements.
Consume organic whole foods.
Eat raw fruits and veges, consuming smoothies frequently to take in more digestive enzymes.
Add full spectrum enzyme supplements to your diet.
Avoid pasteurized foods and beverages that destroy enzymes.
Avoid processed and junk foods, especially foods and beverages containing high fructose corn syrup
Avoid processed cooking or salad oils.

netplaces, altmedicine, science.howstuffworks, natural news

Easily Grow These Super Healthy Foods!

Here are a few plants you can grow that are beneficial for health and nutrition and excellent in your smoothies or a salad! They are carrots, kale, and cilantro. These three combined offer a bundle of health benefits with lots of intact enzymes and nutrients in an easily assimilated liquid form.  

Blending carrots increases the availability of anti-aging and heart health protecting carotenoids by up to 600 percent as well increasing anti-cancer falcarinol assimilation.

Carrots and kale are easily grown in virtually any garden.

Cilantro offers heavy metal detoxification and can be grown in containers if the soil is deep enough, at least 12 inches, to accommodate its long roots.

Kale is a hardy plant. The seeds can be sown directly or germinated (seeds sprouted for planting) six weeks before frost arrives. Kale is great as the base for your green smoothies recipies and can also be steamed or made with other greens as part of a salad.

To continue, potatoes are very supportive for nutrition and an excellent, inexpensive food source .  The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) declared the sweet potato the most nutritious vegetable of all. You can buy them for planting as "slips" or baby plants online, which is highly recommended. (Source below, growing-super-foods)

The not-so-sweet potato is a good choice for home gardening as well. Its starch can be reduced through slow boiling or steam. Then its protein content is boosted. Personally, I prefer them raw or dehydrated into a crunchy chip like snack.

According to Dr. Geoffrey Harris, MD the nutritional value of the general russet potatoe is underrated. They contain all 22 amino acids easily digested to form complete proteins, and they are higher in potassium than bananas.

Whether growing sweet potatoes or russets, potatoes like to grow in cool weather.  They are hardy plants and easy to cultivate.   If stored for long periods, they should be stored in cool, dark places after they're harvested. Otherwise, they can turn green or sprout too soon and become toxic.

These are just a few suggestions for which easy to grow garden veggies can be the most supportive and easily available during food shortages.

It's always wise to research each plant you desire before gardening, especially picking someone's brain who is local. Most nurseries, garden supply sections of large retail outlets, and some large health food stores can be very helpful.


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Benefits of Eating Pumpkin Seeds

1. Rich Protein Source. Just 30 grams (one ounce) of pumpkin seeds provides 7 grams of protein. Next time you get asked where you get your protein, you can tell them from pumpkin seeds- I am sure that most people will be surprised!

2. Rich Iron Source. Iron is often associated with red meat, but pumpkin seeds are an awesome way for vegans to get iron. Just one serving (30 grams) of pumpkin seeds will provide 20-30% of the recommended daily allowance of iron. It is really important to get enough iron so that your body can make new red blood cells, and too little iron can lead to anaemia. So get munching on pumpkin seeds to increase the iron levels in your system.
3. Source of Vitamin E. One serving of pumpkin seeds can provide the recommended daily allowance of Vitamin E. This vitamin is an important antioxidant that maintains healthy red blood cells and muscle tissue. It is also useful for protecting the lungs from pollutants and has been linked to reducing heart disease problems. If you live in a big city eating foods that are rich in vitamin E is a great way to keep the toxins from smog and pollution out of your body.
4. Rich in B Vitamins. Pumpkin kernels are also excellent source of B-complex group of vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6 and folate. B vitamins are really important for metabolising energy, and if you are a busy person with a lot of stress, you want to ensure you are getting enough vitamin B. 
5. Versatile. You can pretty much use pumpkin seed with anything. They have a sweet, nutty flavour, so they can be used in both savory and sweet meals. I sprinkle them on my salads, munch on them on their own, add them to my raw granola mix, and mix them into regular flax cracker mixes. I also add them to blended soups to bring a bit of crunch. Throw them into whatever you are making!
6. Easy to prepare. Next time you have a pumpkin, don’t throw away the seeds. Instead, scoop them out and rinse them under some water. Then let the seeds dry before you put them into the dehydrator for about 18-24 hours. Voila! Instant seeds to snack on!
7. Low calorie snack. 1 handful of pumpkin seeds is a healthy, low calorie snack (under 100 calories) and I find that they are great to snack on if you are craving something crunchy- much healthier than a bag of chips or other commercially prepared snacks that are high in sodium.
So there you have it- the low-down on the trusty pumpkin seed, which really is a super powerful food!

source:  youngandraw

Activated Charcoal

Pharmacist P.F. Touery, shocked colleagues at The French Academy of Medicine in 1831 by drinking a massive dose of lethal strychnine in front of them. Amazingly, he suffered no toxic effects. He had combined the deadly poison with activated charcoal, an antidote and detoxifying agent that goes back centuries.

Today, activated charcoal is in all hospital ERs and many emergency vehicles as a fast, effective antidote for poisons of all types. It is considered safe and effective by the FDA, and it's inexpensive. Very few know of this amazing natural antidote, and even less know of its general detoxifying capacity.

Explaining Activated Charcoal

Don't confuse activated charcoal with charcoal briquettes for barbecuing or anything else. Those contain toxic chemicals and carcinogens. Using the powder form of activated charcoal is recommended. It's easy to ingest as a fine powder in water. It's tasteless, though a tad gritty.

It is derived from burning pure, untainted organic substances, such as coconuts or certain woods, without using chemicals in the process.

Dr. Al Sears, MD, has his patients use it for detoxing even heavy metals, and he uses it himself. For heavy metal detoxifying, he recommends a total of 20 grams per day, spaced apart in two to four doses, over a 12 day period.

The action of activated charcoal involves adsorption, not absorption, of toxins from the intestinal tract. Adsorption is the electrical attraction of toxins to the surfaces of the fine charcoal particles. The charcoal itself is not absorbed into the body, so the toxins attached to the charcoal particles exit via the bowels. Don't be surprised by black stools.

Some advise using it with a non-toxic toothpaste to remove plaques and stains from your teeth as well as bacteria from your mouth. A bit messy, perhaps, but considered highly effective for cleaning and sanitizing.

Dispelling Rumors

The controversy on ingesting activated charcoal is based on the notion that it also robs the body of nutrients. According to several solid sources, this is misinformation. Pharmaceutical medicines, which tend to be toxic, are removed partially or wholly, and nutrients from synthetic vitamin sources tend to be removed also. But not food nutrients.

It's actually better to take the activated charcoal two hours away from food, because food hampers the charcoal's detox activity.

This comes from the 1980 book Activated Charcoal by David O. Cooney: "Charcoal added to the diet of sheep for six months did not cause a loss of nutrients, as compared with sheep not receiving charcoal. ... A level of 5 % of the total diet was given as charcoal. It did not affect the blood or urinary levels of calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, inorganic phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, creatinine, uric acid, urea nitrogen, alkaline phosphatase, total protein or urine pH."

Another rumor has it that activated charcoal causes constipation. This is only if you're already blocked a bit, but it doesn't cause it. As with any type of detox, one needs to be free of blockages to eliminate easily. Drinking more water and taking swig of pure organic Castor oil will usually take care of that. Diarrhea occasionally occurs as a temporary detox side effect.

Keep It Around

Even if you're not keen on using activated charcoal for general or heavy metal detox purposes, it would be wise to have it on hand in a sealed glass jar for those accidental sips or bites of poisonous substances and venomous insect and snake bites. It is quick to prepare, easy to take, and inexpensive.


Avoid These Food Additives

High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is the latest atrocity from our food industry. Many health experts consider it the major factor for the obesity epidemic. It's used in lieu of sugar because it's cheaper, not because it's healthier.

A much higher percentage of calories are stored as fat with HFCS than sugar. Also, the liver is taxed considerably more, leading to a cascade of digestive problems that compound fat issues. Corn syrup or corn sugars are the same as 

Besides destroying brain cells, MSG stifles your brain's
natural hunger suppressors with taste sensations urging you to eat more. 

Aspartame and other artificial sweeteners destroy brain cells worse than MSG, while disrupting your metabolism. Artificial sweeteners are found in foods that are considered "sugar free" or "low fat." They are known to cause more harm and adverse health affects than using regular sugar.  Soda, yogurt, ice cream, chewing gum, meal replacement products, diet or supposed health bars.

Keeping up with food industry's deceptive labeling of toxic taste additives can be too stressful. Simply avoid processed foods and take the time and effort to purchase and prepare organic whole produce, grains, and fruits instead of relying on processed and junk foods.

  • Story Brook University: What is PKU?
  • Aspartame Information Center: Products
  • Columbia University: Diet Sodas and Drinking Calories
  • Meal Replacement Shakes

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

5 Ways Green Smoothies Can Change Your Life

1. Greens are delicious in salads, but the only problem with eating them is that your body lacks the enzymes necessary to break down the cell walls of the plant. This makes it so that you are not to be able to extract all the nutrients from those cells. Juicing and blending your greens breaks down their cell walls. When you take your greens in juice or blended form, those cell walls are removed and you can reap maximum benefit from all the amazing nutrients hidden within the cells.  
2. Dark leafy greens are high in anti-oxidants which in your body helps to fight inflamation.  Greens have Chlorophyll.  Chlorophyll is one of the best things that you can put into your body! Chlorophyll, when looked at molecularly is almost identical to the composition of your red blood cells, aside from the fact that it has magnesium in the center, as opposed to iron. This means that Chlorophyll is amazing for increasing oxygenation in your body (more oxygen equals more energy for you!) as well as being highly cleansing for your blood. 
3. Green smoothies are amazing for anyone who has poor digestive function. When you juice or blend, you take all the digestive work away from your body, making all the vital nutrients in your fruits and vegetables readily available for your body to absorb and use. This can mean the difference between being partially nourished and being super charged because it add so much vitamin and mineral power!
4. Green juice and green smoothies will clean out your digestive system. The fiber, chlorophyll, and other nutrients, found especially in greens will clean you out. Did you know that you can store 20 pounds or more of waste in your colon! Yuck! The more things we can do to keep our systems clean the better.
5. You can add spices to help enhance the components of green juice and smoothies.  They already have medicinal qualities but adding parsley makes your smoothie work as a blood cleanser. Cilantro pulls heavy metals from the body. Ginger is a carminative, which means that it cleanses the gut as well as healing it. Citrus juice can help fight infection. 

You can literally survive on green smoothies!  The more of these powerful anti-oxidant and healing foods you put into your body, the better!

I hope I have stirred a fire in you to go out and give some green juice or a green smoothie a try. I promise, your body will thank you!  You can find recipes here by keying "smoothie" into the search box but please, do not be afraid to create your own recipes!
